Step into a journey through TV history

Experience vintage to cutting-edge displays, interactive exhibits,and a showcase of the latest innovations in television technology.

We are delighted to unveil the Tevolution Museum, featuring agroundbreaking exhibition titled Tevolution – An Evolution ofTelevision Through the Ages. This one-of-a-kind showcase isbrought to life through a collaboration with the Western CapeGovernment, the SA Sendinggestig Museum, and Hisense, allproudly hosted in the heart of Cape Town.

Tevolution is more than just an exhibition; it’s a celebration ofthe transformative journey of television and home appliances,spotlighting Hisense’s pivotal role in shaping innovation. Thisimmersive experience honors our industry legacy, celebrates SouthAfrican heritage, and underscores our commitment to drivingtechnological advancement.

But our vision goes further, we aim to enrich Cape Town’s culturalfabric, inspire youth with the possibilities of innovation, and boosttourism by establishing a dynamic cultural landmark.

We warmly invite you to join us on. Let’s celebrate this milestone together and take a journey through the remarkable history of technology. If tickets are for sale we’d put that information and the CTAs either here or higher up on the page or in both places.

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